#> TwoSampleMR version 0.5.10
#> [>] New: Option to use non-European LD reference panels for clumping etc
#> [>] Some studies temporarily quarantined to verify effect allele
#> [>] See news(package='TwoSampleMR') and for further details
#> Warning:
#> You are running an old version of the TwoSampleMR package.
#> This version: 0.5.10
#> Latest version: 0.5.11
#> Please consider updating using remotes::install_github('MRCIEU/TwoSampleMR')
#> Attaching package: 'TwoSampleMR'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:simulateGP':
#> allele_frequency, contingency, get_population_allele_frequency
A convenient approach to performing Mendelian randomisation is to use GWAS summary data, often known as summary MR or 2-sample MR. This figure outlines the approach:
In this vignette we simulate some examples of how to simulate the underlying GWAS summary data for 2-sample MR.
Here we want to achieve the following:
Here is how to do 1-3:
# Genotypes for 20 SNPs and 10000 individuals, where the SNPs have MAF = 0.5:
g <- make_geno(10000, 20, 0.5)
# These SNPs instrument some exposure, and together explain 5% of the variance
effs <- choose_effects(20, 0.05)
# Create X
x <- make_phen(effs, g)
# Check that the SNPs explain 5% of the variance in x
sum(cor(x, g)^2)
#> [1] 0.05320766
# Create Y, which is negatively influenced by x, explaining 10% of the variance in Y#
# so if the variances of x and y are both 1 then the effect size is about -0.31
beta_xy <- -sqrt(0.1)
y <- make_phen(beta_xy, x)
We now have an X and Y, and the genotypes. To perform 2-sample MR on this we need to obtain the summary data.
dat <- get_effs(x, y, g)
Perform MR
#> Analysing 'X' on 'Y'
#> id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method nsnp
#> 1 X Y Y X MR Egger 20
#> 2 X Y Y X Weighted median 20
#> 3 X Y Y X Inverse variance weighted 20
#> 4 X Y Y X Simple mode 20
#> 5 X Y Y X Weighted mode 20
#> b se pval
#> 1 -0.1191640 0.08034709 1.553421e-01
#> 2 -0.2402189 0.06345669 1.533651e-04
#> 3 -0.2607820 0.04651527 2.066081e-08
#> 4 -0.3590511 0.08356491 3.893170e-04
#> 5 -0.2385588 0.05929477 7.265316e-04
The effect size is approx -0.31 as we simulated.
Let’s simulate an instance where there are two traits that have different effects on the outcome, but they share some of the same instruments
# Simulate 100 genotypes
g <- make_geno(100000, 80, 0.5)
# Choose effect sizes for instruments for each trait
effs1 <- choose_effects(50, 0.05)
effs2 <- choose_effects(50, 0.05)
# Create X1 and X2, where they overlap some variants
x1 <- make_phen(effs1, g[,1:50])
x2 <- make_phen(effs2, g[,31:80])
# Create Y - x1 has a -0.3 influence on it and x2 has a +0.3 influence on it
y <- make_phen(c(-0.3, 0.3), cbind(x1, x2))
# Perform separate MR on each
dat1 <- get_effs(x1, y, g)
dat2 <- get_effs(x2, y, g)
TwoSampleMR::mr(subset(dat1, pval.exposure < 5e-8))
#> Analysing 'X' on 'Y'
#> id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method nsnp
#> 1 X Y Y X MR Egger 32
#> 2 X Y Y X Weighted median 32
#> 3 X Y Y X Inverse variance weighted 32
#> 4 X Y Y X Simple mode 32
#> 5 X Y Y X Weighted mode 32
#> b se pval
#> 1 -0.1873725 0.07415657 1.702220e-02
#> 2 -0.2560702 0.02451385 1.529361e-25
#> 3 -0.2228823 0.02767159 7.976943e-16
#> 4 -0.2715727 0.04546517 1.324346e-06
#> 5 -0.2715727 0.04066437 1.809455e-07
TwoSampleMR::mr(subset(dat2, pval.exposure < 5e-8))
#> Analysing 'X' on 'Y'
#> id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method nsnp
#> 1 X Y Y X MR Egger 32
#> 2 X Y Y X Weighted median 32
#> 3 X Y Y X Inverse variance weighted 32
#> 4 X Y Y X Simple mode 32
#> 5 X Y Y X Weighted mode 32
#> b se pval
#> 1 0.2763200 0.08400630 2.570070e-03
#> 2 0.2973715 0.02535335 9.043432e-32
#> 3 0.2516120 0.03440694 2.615787e-13
#> 4 0.3245394 0.03784075 1.096375e-09
#> 5 0.3087809 0.02339750 2.914096e-14
# Do multivariable MR
# First get the effects for x1, x2 and y, and put them in mv format
mvdat <- make_mvdat(list(x1, x2), y, g)
#> There are 2 exposures
#> Harmonising x1 (x1) and y (y)
# Perform MV MR
#> $result
#> id.exposure exposure id.outcome outcome nsnp b se
#> 1 x1 x1 y y 32 -0.2796164 0.01272162
#> 2 x2 x2 y y 32 0.2961061 0.01287924
#> pval
#> 1 4.512174e-107
#> 2 5.741421e-117
For large scale analyses it is more convenient to just generate the summary data directly. For this we need to specify the genotype effects on \(x\), determine the standard errors expected based on the sample size, and then determine the genotype effect on \(y\) according to causal effects of \(x\) and pleiotropic paths, and determine the sample sizes for \(y\) also. We can additionally specify the extent of sample overlap.
Choose some number of SNPs and the effect allele frequencies and the variance explained in \(x\) by the SNPs
nsnp <- 100
af <- runif(100)
rsq_gx <- 0.4
Generate some effects that correspond to these values
b_gx <- dplyr::tibble(af=af, snp=1:nsnp) %>%
Generate sample effects for 1 million samples
nid_x <- 1000000
bhat_gx <- generate_gwas_ss(b_gx, nid=nid_x)
Assume \(x\) has an effect on \(y\) of -0.3
b_xy <- -0.3
Simulate some balanced pleiotropy - assume that 50% of the instruments have a direct effect on \(y\) and they explain 2% of the variance through this path
plei_index <- sample(1:nsnp, nsnp*0.5)
b_gy_plei <- dplyr::tibble(af=af[plei_index], snp=plei_index) %>%
Sum the genetic effects on \(y\)
b_gy <- b_gx
b_gy$beta <- b_gy$beta * b_xy
b_gy$beta[plei_index] <- b_gy$beta[plei_index] + b_gy_plei$beta
Generate summary data for g-y associations, assuming sample size of 800000
nid_y <- 800000
bhat_gy <- generate_gwas_ss(b_gy, nid=nid_y)
Perform MR
dat <- merge_exp_out(bhat_gx, bhat_gy)
#> Analysing 'X' on 'Y'
#> id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method nsnp
#> 1 X Y Y X MR Egger 100
#> 2 X Y Y X Weighted median 100
#> 3 X Y Y X Inverse variance weighted 100
#> 4 X Y Y X Simple mode 100
#> 5 X Y Y X Weighted mode 100
#> b se pval
#> 1 -0.2420559 0.040902499 4.803362e-08
#> 2 -0.3001481 0.004199798 0.000000e+00
#> 3 -0.2818603 0.022631250 1.322205e-35
#> 4 -0.2887265 0.016955286 3.532470e-31
#> 5 -0.2887265 0.016077724 6.554287e-33
It is of course possible to simulate varying degrees of sample overlap by simulating two individual-level datasets with the same underlying DAG, and then selecting which individuals contribute to the exposure and outcome effects e.g.
nid <- 10000
nsnp <- 100
g <- make_geno(nid, nsnp, 0.5)
u <- rnorm(nid)
beta_gx <- choose_effects(nsnp, 0.05)
x <- make_phen(c(beta_gx, 0.1), cbind(g, u))
y <- make_phen(c(0.3, 0.1), cbind(x, u))
Complete sample overlap
dat <- get_effs(x, y, g)
No sample overlap
id1 <- 1:(nid/2)
id2 <- (nid/2+1):nid
exp <- gwas(x[id1], g[id1,])
out <- gwas(y[id2], g[id2,])
dat <- merge_exp_out(exp, out)
Partial sample overlap
id1 <- 1:round(nid/1.5)
id2 <- round(nid/1.5+1):nid
exp <- gwas(x[id1], g[id1,])
out <- gwas(y[id2], g[id2,])
dat <- merge_exp_out(exp, out)
An approach to doing this directly, bypassing simulation of
individuals, is also implemented in the summary_set
function e.g.
nsnp <- 100
af <- runif(nsnp, 0.01, 0.99)
beta_gx <- dplyr::tibble(af=af, snp=1:nsnp) %>%
beta_gy <- beta_gx
beta_gy$beta <- beta_gy$beta * 0.3
dat <- summary_set(
beta_gx = beta_gx$beta,
beta_gy = beta_gy$beta,
af = beta_gx$af,
n_gx = 10000,
n_gy = 10000,
n_overlap = 10000,
cor_xy = 0.6,
prev_y = NA,
sigma_x = 1,
sigma_y = 1
dat %>%
dplyr::filter(pval.exposure < 5e-8) %>%
TwoSampleMR::mr(., method_list="mr_ivw")
#> Analysing 'X' on 'Y'
#> id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method nsnp
#> 1 X Y Y X Inverse variance weighted 39
#> b se pval
#> 1 0.2751496 0.0152435 7.848903e-73