Conditional summary stats and imputation


Gibran Hemani


September 18, 2024


Data generating model

\[ y = Xb + e \]

where \(y\) is the phenotype, \(X\) is the genotype matrix, \(b\) is the effect sizes and \(e\) is the error term. X is centred to have each column mean zero to avoid need to handle intercept terms.

The expected associations between each variant and y is

\[ \beta = (X^T X)^{-1} X^T y \]


solve2 <- function(A) {
    eig <- eigen(A)
    eig$values <- 1 / eig$values
    return(eig$vectors %*% diag(eig$values) %*% t(eig$vectors))

solve3 <- function(A, lambda=1e-6) {
    solve(A + diag(nrow(A)) * lambda)

sim_mat <- function(n) {
  p <- qr.Q(qr(matrix(rnorm(n^2), n)))
  Sigma <- crossprod(p, p*(n:1))
  v <- diag(Sigma)
  Sigma <- diag(1/sqrt(v)) %*% Sigma %*% diag(1/sqrt(v))
  v <- v / max(v) / 2
  af <- (1 + sqrt(1-2*v)) / 2
  return(list(R=Sigma, af=af))
# sim_mat(100)[[1]][1:10,1:10]

simulate_ss <- function(X, af, ncause, sigmag, seed=1234) {
    nsnp <- length(af)
    nid <- nrow(X)
    b <- rep(0, nsnp)
    b[sample(1:nsnp, ncause)] <- rnorm(ncause, sd=sigmag)

    e <- rnorm(nid)
    y <- X %*% b + e 

    betahat <- sapply(1:nsnp, \(i) {cov(X[,i], y) / var(X[,i])})
    se <- sapply(1:nsnp, \(i) {sqrt(var(y) / (var(X[,i] * sqrt(nid))))})
    zhat <- betahat/se
    pval <- 2 * pnorm(-abs(zhat))

    betaexp <- MASS::ginv(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% y
    # betaexp <- solve3(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% y
    return(tibble(betahat, betaexp, b, se, zhat, pval, af))

X <- rbind(X, X, X, X)

ss <- simulate_ss(X, af, 20, 0.1)

plot(ss$betaexp, ss$betahat)

This is equivalent to

\[ \beta = D^{-1} R D b \]

where \(D\) is a diagonal matrix with the diagonal elements being the variance of the columns of \(X\), \(R\) is the correlation matrix of \(X\) and \(b\) is a vector of true effect sizes. Expect that \(b\) is quite sparse, and can be estimated from finemapping methods.

D <- diag(2 * af * (1 - af))
Di <- diag(1 / diag(D))
R <- cor(X)
ss$betahat2 <- sqrt(Di) %*% R %*% D %*% ss$b
plot(ss$betahat2, ss$betaexp)

\[ \beta = D^{-1} R D b \]

where \(D\) is a diagonal matrix with the diagonal elements being the variance of the columns of \(X\), \(R\) is the correlation matrix of \(X\) and \(b\) is a vector of true effect sizes. Expect that \(b\) is quite sparse, and can be estimated from finemapping methods.

If there are \(K\) causal variants, we would like to obtain \(K\) versions of the summary statistics where each \(k\)th version is obtained by removing the effects of all other causal variants.

\[ \hat{b}_{(v)} = D_{(v)} R^{-1}_{(v)} D^{-1}_{(v)} \beta_{(v)} \]

where \(\hat{b}_{(v)}\) is the vector true causal effect estimates for the \(K\) causal variants only.

So the region-wide associations generated from all causal variants can be converted into a set of \(K\) regional associations, where each represents the causal effect of one variant and with all other causal effects removed.

\[ \hat{b}_{(k)} = \beta - \hat{b}_{(v)} \]

sim_mat <- function(n, nid) {
  p <- qr.Q(qr(matrix(rnorm(n^2), n)))
  Sigma <- crossprod(p, p*(n:1))
  v <- diag(Sigma)
  Sigma <- diag(1/sqrt(v)) %*% Sigma %*% diag(1/sqrt(v))
  v <- v / max(v) / 2
  af <- (1 + sqrt(1-2*v)) / 2
  X <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(nid, rep(0, n), Sigma)
  return(list(X=X, R=Sigma, af=af))

m <- sim_mat(100, 500)
X <- m$X

b <- rep(0, ncol(X))
b[sample(1:ncol(X), 3)] <- rnorm(3, sd=10)
y <- X %*% b + rnorm(nrow(X))
bexp <- solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% y

bhat <- sapply(1:ncol(X), \(i) {cov(X[,i], y) / var(X[,i])})

plot(bhat ~ bexp)

R <- cor(X)

D <- diag(apply(X, 2, var))

    c(sqrt(D) %*% R %*% sqrt(D))*(nrow(X)-1), 
    c(t(X) %*% X)

    c(t(X) %*% y),
    bhat %*% sqrt(D) * (nrow(X)-1)

Xi <- solve(t(X) %*% X)

Ri <- solve(R)

# sim_mat(100)[[1]][1:10,1:10]

I want there to be 3 causal variants.

I will create summary statistics for all variants. Then SS for each variant removed.

I want to recapitulate each variant removed.

m <- sim_mat(100, 500)
X <- m$X
b <- rep(0, ncol(X))
b[sample(1:ncol(X), 3)] <- rnorm(3, sd=10)
e <- rnorm(nrow(X))
y <- X %*% b + e

# Generate summary stats for all variants
bhat <- sapply(1:ncol(X), \(i) {cov(X[,i], y) / var(X[,i])})

# Expected summary stats
D <- diag(apply(X, 2, var))
Di <- diag(1 / diag(D))
R <- cor(X)
bexp <- Di %*% R %*% D %*% b

# Generate summary stats for each variant on its own
ind <- which(b != 0)
bhatcond <- lapply(ind, \(i) {
    bk <- b[i]
    b <- rep(0, ncol(X))
    b[i] <- bk
    y <- X %*% b + e
    bhat <- sapply(1:ncol(X), \(i) {cov(X[,i], y) / var(X[,i])})

bhatcondl <- lapply(1:length(bhatcond), \(i) {
    tibble(b=bhatcond[[i]], i, pos=1:length(b))
}) %>% bind_rows() 

bhatcondl %>% ggplot(aes(x=pos, y=b)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(i ~ .)

# simulate summary stats excluding each variant
bcond <- lapply(seq_along(ind), \(i) {
    bt <- b
    bt[ind[i]] <- 0
    bsub <- Di %*% R %*% D %*% bt
    bhat - bsub

bcondl <- lapply(1:length(bcond), \(i) {
    tibble(b=bcond[[i]], i, pos=1:length(b), what="bcond")
}) %>% bind_rows() 

bcondl %>% ggplot(aes(x=pos, y=b)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(i ~ .)

inner_join(bhatcondl, bcondl, by=c("i", "pos")) %>% ggplot(aes(x=b.x, y=b.y)) + geom_point() + geom_abline() + facet_grid(i ~ .)

lapply(seq_along(ind), \(i) {
    cor(bhatcond[[i]], bcond[[i]])

Do it again with genotype matrix


b <- rep(0, ncol(X))
b[sample(1:ncol(X), 3)] <- rnorm(3, sd=10)
e <- rnorm(nrow(X))
y <- X %*% b + e

# Generate summary stats for all variants
bhat <- sapply(1:ncol(X), \(i) {cov(X[,i], y) / var(X[,i])})

# Expected summary stats
D <- diag(apply(X, 2, var))
Di <- diag(1 / diag(D))
R <- cor(X)
bexp <- sqrt(Di) %*% R %*% sqrt(D) %*% b

plot(bhat ~ bexp)

# Generate summary stats for each variant on its own
ind <- which(b != 0)
bhatcond <- lapply(ind, \(i) {
    bk <- b[i]
    b <- rep(0, ncol(X))
    b[i] <- bk
    y <- X %*% b + e
    bhat <- sapply(1:ncol(X), \(i) {cov(X[,i], y) / var(X[,i])})

bhatcondl <- lapply(1:length(bhatcond), \(i) {
    tibble(b=bhatcond[[i]], i, pos=1:length(b))
}) %>% bind_rows() 

bhatcondl %>% ggplot(aes(x=pos, y=b)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(i ~ .)

# simulate summary stats excluding each variant
bcond <- lapply(seq_along(ind), \(i) {
    bt <- b
    bt[ind[i]] <- 0
    bsub <- sqrt(Di) %*% R %*% sqrt(D) %*% bt
    bhat - bsub

bcondl <- lapply(1:length(bcond), \(i) {
    tibble(b=bcond[[i]], i, pos=1:length(b), what="bcond")
}) %>% bind_rows() 

bcondl %>% ggplot(aes(x=pos, y=b)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(i ~ .)

inner_join(bhatcondl, bcondl, by=c("i", "pos")) %>% ggplot(aes(x=b.x, y=b.y)) + geom_point() + geom_abline() + facet_grid(i ~ .)

lapply(seq_along(ind), \(i) {
    cor(bhatcond[[i]], bcond[[i]])
generate_marginals <- function(bhat, R, af, index) {
    v <- 2 * af * (1 - af)
    D <- diag(sqrt(v))
    Di <- diag(1 / diag(D))

    if(length(index) == 1) {
        bhat2 <- bhat[index]
    } else {
        bhat2 <- (D[index,index] %*% MASS::ginv(R[index,index]) %*% Di[index,index] %*% bhat[index]) %>% drop()
    b2 <- rep(0, nsnp)
    b2[index] <- bhat2

    bcond <- lapply(seq_along(index), \(i) {
        bt <- b2
        bt[ind[i]] <- 0
        bsub <- (sqrt(Di) %*% R %*% sqrt(D) %*% bt) %>% drop()
        bhat - bsub

bcond <- generate_marginals(bhat, R, af, which(b != 0))

bcondl <- lapply(1:length(bcond), \(i) {
    tibble(b=bcond[[i]], i, pos=1:length(b), what="bcond")
}) %>% bind_rows() 

bcondl %>% ggplot(aes(x=pos, y=b)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(i ~ .)

inner_join(bhatcondl, bcondl, by=c("i", "pos")) %>% ggplot(aes(x=b.x, y=b.y)) + geom_point() + geom_abline() + facet_grid(i ~ .)


sstrue <- lapply(1:length(i), (j) { bb <- ba bb[i[-j]] <- 0 print(which(bb != 0)) beta_ld <- as.numeric(diag(1/xvar) %% R %% diag(xvar) %*% bb) tibble(j, beta_ld, pos = 1:length(beta_ld)) }) %>% bind_rows()


ggplot(sstrue, aes(x = pos, y=abs(beta_ld))) + geom_point() + facet_grid(j ~ .)

cor(sstrue\(beta_ld, ss\)bhj)

inner_join(sstrue, ss, by=c(“j”, “pos”)) %>% ggplot(aes(x=(beta_ld), y=(bhj))) + geom_point() + geom_abline() + facet_grid(j ~ .)
