#' Simulate GWAS summary data discovery and replication
#' @param n1 The number of individuals in the first sample.
#' @param n2 The number of individuals in the second sample.
#' @param nsnp The number of causal SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) to simulate.
#' @param nflip The number of SNPs to set to have 0 effect in the second group.
#' @param afshared A logical value indicating whether the allele frequencies should be shared between the two groups.
#' @param bsd The standard deviation of the distribution of effect sizes.
#' @return Data frame
sim <- function(n1, n2, nsnp, nflip=1, afshared=FALSE, bsd=1) {
# different allele frequencies per study
af1 <- runif(nsnp, 0.01, 0.99)
if(afshared) {
af2 <- af1
} else {
af2 <- runif(nsnp, 0.01, 0.99)
# identifical effect sizes across studies
b1 <- rnorm(nsnp, sd=bsd)
b2 <- b1
# make one of the effects different
if(nflip > 0) {
b1[1:nflip] <- 0
# Assume variance of trait is the same across studies
se1 <- 1 / sqrt(2 * af1 * (1-af1) * n1)
se2 <- 1 / sqrt(2 * af2 * (1-af2) * n2)
dat <- tibble(
af1, af2, b1, b2, se1, se2,
bhat1 = rnorm(nsnp, b1, se1),
bhat2 = rnorm(nsnp, b2, se2),
pval1 = 2 * pnorm(-abs(bhat1/se1)),
pval2 = 2 * pnorm(-abs(bhat2/se2)),
r21 = b1^2 * af1 * (1-af1) * 2,
r22 = b2^2 * af2 * (1-af2) * 2,
prop_overlap <- function(b_disc, b_rep, se_disc, se_rep, alpha) {
p_sign <- pnorm(-abs(b_disc) / se_disc) * pnorm(-abs(b_disc) / se_rep) + ((1 - pnorm(-abs(b_disc) / se_disc)) * (1 - pnorm(-abs(b_disc) / se_rep)))
p_sig <- pnorm(-abs(b_disc) / se_rep + qnorm(alpha / 2)) + (1 - pnorm(-abs(b_disc) / se_rep - qnorm(alpha / 2)))
p_rep <- pnorm(abs(b_rep) / se_rep, lower.tail = FALSE)
res <- tibble::tibble(
nsnp = length(b_disc),
metric = c("Sign", "Sign", "P-value", "P-value"),
datum = c("Expected", "Observed", "Expected", "Observed"),
value = c(sum(p_sign, na.rm = TRUE), sum(sign(b_disc) == sign(b_rep)), sum(p_sig, na.rm = TRUE), sum(p_rep < alpha, na.rm = TRUE))
) %>%
dplyr::group_by(metric) %>%
x <- .
if(.$nsnp[1] > 0) {
bt <- binom.test(
x=.$value[.$datum == "Observed"],
p=.$value[.$datum == "Expected"] / .$nsnp[1]
x$pdiff <- bt
return(list(res = res, variants = dplyr::tibble(sig = p_sig, sign = p_sign)))
sim_test <- function(res, nboot=1000) {
res$res$pdiff_sim <- 0
res$res$pdiff_sim_np <- 0
bootsig <- sapply(1:nboot, \(i) {
rbinom(nrow(res$variants), 1, res$variants$sig) %>% sum
res$res$pdiff_sim[1:2] <- pnorm(res$res$value[2], mean=mean(bootsig), sd=sd(bootsig), lower.tail=FALSE)
res$res$pdiff_sim_np[1:2] <- sum(res$res$value[2] < bootsig) / nboot
bootsign <- sapply(1:nboot, \(i) {
rbinom(nrow(res$variants), 1, res$variants$sign) %>% sum
res$res$pdiff_sim[3:4] <- pnorm(res$res$value[4], mean=mean(bootsign), sd=sd(bootsign), lower.tail=TRUE)
res$res$pdiff_sim_np[3:4] <- sum(res$res$value[4] > bootsign) / nboot